Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day Two : The Tower

Today I drew the Tower card from my Wild Unknown deck; number 16 in the Major Arcana.
This is a beautiful card in the deck, but one of the more simple. It has a large tree, growing strong and sturdy, with lightning striking the top, causing the tree to break and fall down to the ground in pieces.
To me, this means something big in life is about to come tumbling down. Maybe something I had seen as a strong structure that would be around forever is falling to pieces and there is nothing I can do to stop it. Because of that, I need to stop and maybe look at it not so much as a bad thing, even if it is something horrible, and see the good in it. Maybe a job I hated, but needed badly in order to make rent is letting me go, but this gives me the budge to go back to school and start at something I had always wanted to do.
This could also be a literal death of someone close to me, or end of a very important friendship, but I just need to remember that it is an important and necessary end. 'With destruction come creation.'
The tower could also mean I need to break down the 'tower' I have built around myself, and let myself explore the world differently, and let people in; I need to stop hiding my true inner feelings.
Do not fight this change, it will happen no matter what you do.

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