Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Day Three : Ten of Pentacles

Today's card is all good!! Good things coming your way.. the long journey you've been on is now paying off! A very nice financial state.. very sturdy and reliable. A great time for investments! A stable home and stable relationships.. surrounded by love and trust!

In my deck, the ten of pentacles has nine large pentacles coming out of what seams to be a vortex type of thing.. colors beaming in from the outskirts of the card, settling dark red in the middle. In the center of the middle pentacle, is a very small, hidden pentacle marking ten. To me this is like all the things life throws at you.. all of the larger pentacles you keep fighting past just to reach the main goal, the center, smaller, harder to see (or achieve) pentacle. Reaching deep deep inside, finding the hidden treasure.. It is like the old man who spend years and years working hard day after day, finally able to retire and enjoy all of his riches! A lasting foundation for success and fulfillment with long term benefits! With all this said, don't be too greedy. Share your wealth, you know there's enough! Try and make it a goal with your fortune to include other people in on your happiness! <3

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Day Two : The Tower

Today I drew the Tower card from my Wild Unknown deck; number 16 in the Major Arcana.
This is a beautiful card in the deck, but one of the more simple. It has a large tree, growing strong and sturdy, with lightning striking the top, causing the tree to break and fall down to the ground in pieces.
To me, this means something big in life is about to come tumbling down. Maybe something I had seen as a strong structure that would be around forever is falling to pieces and there is nothing I can do to stop it. Because of that, I need to stop and maybe look at it not so much as a bad thing, even if it is something horrible, and see the good in it. Maybe a job I hated, but needed badly in order to make rent is letting me go, but this gives me the budge to go back to school and start at something I had always wanted to do.
This could also be a literal death of someone close to me, or end of a very important friendship, but I just need to remember that it is an important and necessary end. 'With destruction come creation.'
The tower could also mean I need to break down the 'tower' I have built around myself, and let myself explore the world differently, and let people in; I need to stop hiding my true inner feelings.
Do not fight this change, it will happen no matter what you do.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Day One : Daughter Of Wands

Today arrived my brand new, first Tarot deck ever! The Wild Unknown Tarot Deck is now all mine! The images are brilliant! I've never loved a deck of cards so much! I've been looking for a deck of cards that is less like all of the others'. A old man standing next to a lake.. a naked woman standing under a tree... gets old, and looks kind of boring. These cards are all either animals or some sort of nature; which I love!

Anyways, to the point, my card of the day was the Daughter (Page) Of Wands. I spendt myself a lot of time looking up different definitions of this card.. and soon it just became very clear to me., This is my card; there is just no doubt about it...
The Daughter of Wants represents a girl who is full of creativity, who is intuitive, searching for something new, taking on new challenges, new ways to fill up her free time. In search of a new job maybe, one that will provide enough money not only for the necessities but also her crafting needs, ( because those are just as important as food and electricity ). This is a girl on a mission of self discovery, never quite finished searching for the perfection she tries to be. Slowly learning that yesterday was yesterday, learn from her mistakes and live this next day to its fullest. She needs to be spontaneous, but not impulsive.  Seek out the beauty and gifts life gives you, take them as they come and never turn away from something that may be the start to a new life, or view on it anyways. She is willing to give anything a go, atleast once. She enjoys the freedom of making her own schedules and having her days go as she wishes. 

She is me.